SPOTLIGHT performing arts training

Fairfax County SPOTLIGHT Series

Learn from professional performers in this fun and dynamic weekend series. Develop movement skills, rhythm, vocal strength, and leadership. The series will wrap up with a short performance for family and friends. Designed for people age 16 and up. No prior experience is necessary, beginners and experienced artists are welcome. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water and a snack.

Time: Sundays 1 – 4 pm.  Spring dates: TBD

Location: MVLE, 7420 Fullerton Road, Suite 110, Springfield, VA

Cost: $75 (Scholarships are available)

Registration information:

For assistance and questions with registration call 703-324-5532.

Participants should be able to:

  • Stay with assigned group/no wandering or leaving
  • Be able to interact safely with peers
  • Follow directions with moderate prompts
  • Participate as fully as possible
  • Be willing to try a variety of activities
  • Be responsible for own personal care (or come with an aide)

This program is co-taught by BodyWise Dance artists. They report, “The skills practiced in rehearsal directly translate to clear communication, collaboration, personal engagement, and responsibility. Exploring all of the ways we can communicate with our voices and bodies, individually and in groups, helps us learn how to communicate in our daily lives more clearly and effectively. We become better listeners. As we expand our skill set in the performing arts each week, we are also building towards an informal performance. Therefore, there is a creative phase, a generative phase, and a rehearsal phase. At each phase we continue to hone basic and complex skill skills of the performing arts, but the tension of having a showing allows us to make solid editing decisions so that we can go from our most expansive learning to a level of specificity and refinement. One of the greatest lessons of the arts is that in an ensemble performance we can only get to a great performance if we work together. Our informal showings are a snapshot of a creative process that is ongoing and hopefully the beginning of a study of a lifelong study in craft.”